Ordering & Shipping Information

We accept payments in US dollars via MasterCard, Visa and Discover cards.

Orders will be shipped to U.S. addresses only.

Sales tax of 8.25% will be collected on the purchase price and shipping and handling charges for all orders shipped to Texas addresses.

Greeting Card Orders

Your order will be shipped via the United States Postal Service.  Shipping and handling fees will be automatically added to your order.  We’ve made every effort to minimize shipping and handling fees.  We charge only for our actual costs.

Orders received by noon Central Time on regular business days will usually be shipped the same day. Others will be shipped on the next business day. You should receive your order in two to five days.

You will receive an email confirming your order and another email notifying you that your order has shipped and providing you with your tracking number.

Shipping and Handling Fees for Greeting Cards:

1-5 Cards……..$ 3.66
6-10 Cards……$ 4.39
11 Cards………$ 5.19
12 Cards………$ 5.45
13 Cards………$ 5.80
14-15 Cards…..$ 6.15
16 Cards………$ 6.50
17-20 Cards…..$ 8.30
21+ Cards…….$15.05

Framed Photograph Orders

Your Divine Inspiration Photography order will ship for FREE via Priority Mail.  Orders received by noon Central Time on regular business days will usually be shipped the same day.  Others will be shipped on the next business day.  You should receive your order in two to five days.

You will receive an email confirming your order and another email notifying you that your order has shipped and providing you with a tracking number.  These emails will come from Hope for a Broken World.  Credit card charges will appear on your bill as Hope for a Broken World.